2. Measuring Devices and Scales MCQs

  1. The name of the equipment used for measuring blood pressure is
    (A) Teachometer
    (B) Sphygmomanometer
    (C) Actiometer
    (D) Barometer
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    Correct Answer: (B)
  2. Which one of the following can be used to measure temperature above 1500ºC?
    (A) Clinical thermometer
    (B) Thermoelectric couple thermometer
    (C) Platinum resistance thermometer
    (D) Pyrometer
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    Correct Answer: (D)
  3. The apparatus used to measure the intensity of light is known as
    (A) Anemometer
    (B) Calorimeter
    (C) Luxmeter
    (D) Altimeter
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    Correct Answer: (C)
  4. Radar is used for
    (A) Detecting objects by using light waves
    (B) Reflecting sound waves to detect objects
    (C) Determining the presence and location of objects with radio wave
    (D) Tracking rain-bearing clouds
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    Correct Answer: (C)
  5. Which of the following quantities is measured on the Richter scale?
    (A) Speed of a glacier
    (B) Population growth
    (C) Intensity of an Earthquake
    (D) Temperature inside the Earth
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    Correct Answer: (C)
  6. Richter scale is used for measuring
    (A) Velocity of sound
    (B) Intensity of light
    (C) Amplitude of seismic waves
    (D) Intensity of sound
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    Correct Answer: (C)
  7. The intensity of Earthquake is measured in
    (A) Richter scale
    (B) Decibel scale
    (C) pH scale
    (D) Celsius scale
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    Correct Answer: (A)
  8. Which one is not correcly matched?
    (A) Celsius – Temperature
    (B) Kilowatt hour – Electricity
    (C) Rh factor – Blood
    (D) Richter scale – Humidity
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    Correct Answer: (D)
  9. Which of the following is a seismometer device?
    (A) Crescograph
    (B) Seismograph
    (C) Geiger Counter
    (D) Raingauge
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    Correct Answer: (B)
  10. Which one of the following devices is used to measure the intensity of Earthquake?
    (A) Seismograph
    (B) Stethoscope
    (C) Cosmograph
    (D) Periscope
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    Correct Answer: (A)
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